The recipe we used is actually my own revised version (...) of the original recipe...
(This is something ... when you live outside Italy... "The original recipe"... )
Cantuccini Toscani (from Prato actually... to be precise)
Ingredients for four serves
- 400gr flour
- 180 g. Sugar
- 125g Butter at room temperature
- 3 Eggs
- 100 g. Almonds
- 1 Teaspoon orange flavour or the peel of a whole orange
- pinch of salt
- 1 egg yolk to spread on top of cantuccini
Preheat the oven at 180°.
Mix well, with a fork, all the ingredients beside the almonds in a large bowl.
When the ingredients are well blended add the almonds a bit crushed.
The dough should be like a ball.
Put the dough onto a lightly buttered oven tray.
Press down gently with the palm of your hand to flatten it.
Using a brush spread some egg yolk on top of it.
Cook at 180°/200°C for 20-25 minutes until it is became golden brown.
Let them cool down a bit then, on a cutting board, cut them diagonally into slices 1-1,5 cm thick. Now they look like the cantuccini you have in your mind, but they need to be toasted, as they need to be crispy.Put back your cantuccini in the baking tray with one of the cutted side up. Bake the cantuccini until they are well toasted.
Let them cool down completely and serve them with some Vin Santo, with some tea, dipped in hot chocolate, is up to you taste. You can preserve them, well closed in a tin... like a biscuits tin. They were really very good... they smelled of crispy ... tuscanian sunflowers...
After those we dived into ... the red wine. The spices gave a touch of "Christmas"... of winter actually...
Pere al vino rosso con mascarpone
Pears in red wine with mascarpone Ingredients for four serves
- 8 pears
- 5 dl of red wine
- 80gr of demera sugar (brown a sugar)
- 1 cinnamon stick
- 3 whole cloves
- skin of 1 orange
- 2 tablespoons of mascarpone
Place all ingredients in a medium saucepan. Simmer, covered, until the pears are al dente (tender-crisp). Remove the fruit & separate into serving dishes; pour syrup over. Add the mascarpone.
6 commenti:
Senti un pò queste doti di grande cuoca e pasticcera le hai tenute nascoste quando eri da questa parte del globo???
Brava, lontananza dalla propria terra ispira...
E un brava anche ad Alex che delizia il palato e anche gli occhi con quelle foto stupende!
Mmm... buoni i cantuccini... li ho sempre mangiati ma non li ho mai provati a fare... Ora mi stampo questa bella ricettina e appena ho un attimo la provo! ciao, buona giornata
PS: complimenti per il blog!
Grazie... dei bei commenti che bello sapere che mi leggi!
I cantuccini ho scoperto essere buonissimi e davvero semplici!
carine le fotografie della preprazione dei cantucci, e molto bella la foto finale con il bicchiere di rosso. Pensa che io ancora non li ho mai preparati i cantucci, appena tornerà l'autunno vorrò provare. Ciao!
They sound delicious Marina.
Hi Marina I just popped over from Barbara's blog to say hello. I do not write a food blog but I do enjoy reading about food and trying recipes I find.
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